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But it's exactly that vitriol and its unacceptable nature that Twain intended to capture in the book as it stands. Perhaps this is not a book for younger readers. Perhaps it is a book that needs careful handling by teachers at high school and even university level as they put it in its larger discursive context, explain how the irony works, and the enormous harm that racist language can do. But to tamper with the author's words because of the sensibilities of present-day readers is unacceptable. The minute you do this, the minute this stops being the book that Twain wrote.
Peter Messent en The Guardian (enero de 2011), acerca de la nueva edición censurada del Huck Finn de Mark Twain
2 comentarios:
Hola, Ceci, estos días de Olimpiadas siempre me acuerdo de vos, y muy gratamente. Hasta te echo de menos.
Siempre te leo,
un abrazo.
Qué bien tenerte por aquí, Chema. Pues sí, estoy divirtiéndome mucho con los Juegos. Y eso que no ha empezado el atletismo, ¿eh? Ando con el sueño un tanto alterado de tanto levantarme de madrugada, pero merece la pena.
Un abrazo.
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